Our Approach

At Maven Sports Academy, we’re excited to introduce Roll Ball and skating clubs in Dubai and Abu Dhabi, where kids can receive top-notch training. Our certified coaches offer personalized instruction, focusing on technique, strategy, and physical conditioning. Participants in our programs not only improve their athletic abilities but also learn valuable life skills such as teamwork, discipline, and perseverance.

Our clubs offer flexible scheduling options, including before and after-school sessions, to accommodate students’ busy schedules. Additionally, our state-of-the-art facilities provide a safe and supportive environment for athletes to train and grow.

As members of our Roll Ball clubs, players have the opportunity to compete in national and international tournaments affiliated to the International Roll Ball Federation. Representing their Emirate and country on the global stage, our athletes showcase their talent and dedication while gaining invaluable experiences and memories.

Join Maven Sports Academy’s Roll Ball and skating clubs today and embark on a journey of skill development, team spirit and achievement!”